Last weekend was the New Brunswick Beef Expo held in Sussex with over 160 head of cattle of several breeds entered from the Maritme provinces and Quebec. We had a good day showing our Angus cattle with judge Don Currie from Ontario. We had Grand and Reserve bulls with our Upward and Net Worth bull calves, Champion Heifer calf in the open show and also the NB Futurity judged by Dale Black, 1st place 2 year old pair and 1st place in the Cow calf class . The cow and bull calf were Champion Female and also went on to 2nd place in the Supreme class. Congratulations to the Black family on their Supreme Female and to the Dixon family on winning Supreme Male with their great Hereford bull. One more show for us to go this year as we will take a few head of Angus and couple of Simmentals to Victoriaville, Quebec in a couple of weeks. Also there will be several others breeders from the Maritmes making the trip too. Looking forward to it.
Champion Female and Champion Bull JEM Classy Lady 22w and JEM Upward. |
Champion Heifer in Open Show and Futurity Top of the Hill Black Beauty , a Silveiras Style heifer shown here with breeder David Siddall